Botswana Travel Guide
Botswana Travel Guide
Where to stay

Botswana Travel Guide

Where to stay

Francistown has a surprisingly good range of accommodation both in and around the town, with a choice from guesthouses and budget hotels to the more upmarket facilities offered by the centrally located Thapama. The town's location on the River Tati also makes camping a pleasant option. Alternatively, as in any of Botswana's larger towns, asking a taxi driver for 'private accommodation' should find you a cheap and hospitable roof over your head. And if you have a car, and you're desperate, then you can drive a few kilometres out of town and camp in the bush.

Category B

Cresta Thapama Hotel and Casino
Marang Hotel and Casino
Tati River Lodge
Modumela Lodge
Town Lodge
Grand Lodge
Satellite Guesthouse


Woodlands 4x4 Stop
Marang Motel Campsite

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