Botswana Travel Guide
Botswana Travel Guide
Okavango Panhandle & NW Kalahari
NW Kalahari
Tsodilo Hills

Botswana Travel Guide


The San believe the hills contain the spirits of the dead, and that their powerful gods live in caves within the Female Hill, from where they rule the world. They believe that these gods will cause misfortune to anyone who hunts or causes death near the hills.

They have many beliefs, all specific to places within the hills. For example, there's a cave on the western side of the Female hill which contains a permanent source of water and, the San believe, a giant serpent with spiralling horns, like a kudu. If a San guide takes you around the hills, then ask them about legends and stories associated with the places that you visit on the hills.

Meanwhile the Hambukushu people, who live in the area, believe that God lowered man to earth at the site of the hills, and he landed on the Female Hill. For proof they point to footprints which are engraved into the rock, high up on the hill. However, modern sceptics claim these are simply natural marks in the rock, or even suggest that they might be the prints of dinosaurs!

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