Botswana Travel Guide
Botswana Travel Guide

Botswana Travel Guide


Based on an original compiled by Phil Deutschle
Setswana is the national language of Botswana, while English is the official language. In practice this means that though many people speak other languages at home, most will be able to converse in Setswana. English will be spoken by those who have been to school, or who have been outside the country. This means most people, with the exception of the older generation in rural areas.

Learning to speak a little Setswana is easy and, even in educated circles, trying to speak a few words of the language will mark you out as showing respect for the country's culture. It will open many doors, and really make a difference to how you are received. Carry the most important phrases on a slip of paper, and practise whenever you can.

We are working very hard to put all of this Bradt Travel Guide online. However, there's such a lot of detailed information in the book, that this process is taking time.

We started loading this book online in 2006, and expect to have completed it about August 2006. Please check back regularly between now and then, and you'll find more and more information here.

Some chapters are already here in their entirety. This one is not yet. However, if what you are looking for is not here, then you might find useful information on some of these areas at

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