Botswana Travel Guide
Botswana Travel Guide
History & Economy
Twana History
Ngwato dynasty
David Livingstone

Botswana Travel Guide

David Livingstone

David Livingstone’s Missionary Travels and Researches in South Africa excited great interest in England. This account of his journeys across southern Africa in the 1840s and 50s had all the appeal that undersea or space exploration has for us now. Further, it captured the imagination of the British public, allowing them to take pride in their country’s exploration of Africa, based on the exploits of an explorer who seemed to be the epitome of bravery and righteous religious zeal.
Livingstone had set out with the conviction that if Africans could see their material and physical well-being improved – probably by learning European ways, and earning a living from export crops – then they would be ripe for conversion to Christianity. He was strongly opposed to slavery, but sure that this would disappear when Africans became more self-sufficient through trade.
In fact Livingstone was almost totally unsuccessful in his own aims, failing to set up any successful trading missions, or even to convert many Africans permanently to Christianity. However, his travels opened up areas north of the Limpopo for later British missionaries, and by 1887 British mission stations were established in Zambia and southern Malawi.

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