Botswana Travel Guide
Botswana Travel Guide
History & Economy
Modern History
Current politics

Botswana Travel Guide

Current politics

In October 1999 National Assembly Elections were again held, and the BDP were returned with 33 seats, the BNF won 6, and the Botswana Congress party (BCP) won one.
The next elections are scheduled for October 2004. There’s every expectation that these will be on time, free and fair – like the previous elections. The main opposition, the Botswana National Front, has done little to spell out how it would change the running of the country, although its continued presence does help to hold the BDP to account, and maintain at least some democratic debate. Meanwhile the long experience of the ruling party, and the general success that they have made of the country and its economy, tend to suggest that the BDP will again retain power.

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