Botswana Travel Guide
Botswana Travel Guide
History & Economy
Early peoples
The San

Botswana Travel Guide

The San

The San were perfectly adapted to their desert environment and had learnt to survive its harsh extremes of climate – drought and unrelenting heat and sun in the winter, and heavy rains and floods in the summer.
Predominantly hunter-gatherers, it is thought that at various times, when the climate was more favourable, the San may also have owned and grazed stock. Several times in past millennia the climate of Botswana has been much wetter, and at others much drier than it is at the moment. Periodically the huge pans that are a distinctive feature of the landscape, such as at Makgadikgadi and Nxai, became great lakes, full of water and supplied by several rivers. Probably some San groups took advantage of plentiful supplies of water to acquire stock. Now the rivers have dried up and the Okavango Delta has receded, the pans are full of water only during the rainy season and the San are herders no longer. There are also more recent records of them owning and trading copper from secret mines in the Kalahari, and bartering it for iron.

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